Dr. Nina Bednarsek

• Ph.D. Biological Oceanography, University of East Anglia and British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK (2007-2010), European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (European Commission)
• M.Sc. Environmental Diagnostics, Cranfield University, UK (2006)
• B.S. University of Ljubljana, Interdepartmental Study of Microbiology, Slovenia (2004)
• 2021 Selected Scientific Steering Commitee Member of the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR)
• 2018 Finalist for the Japanese Aota Award for the excellence in the polar research
• 2018 Salish Sea Science Prize Award winner, 2018 (given every two years to highlight the importance of science in providing a foundation for designing a healthy Salish Sea ecosystem)
• Best oral scientific presentation awarded by PICES committee, 2014
• National Research Council Fellowship, 2012 (awarded for excellence in research)
• Edith Fanta award for the most prominent young researcher and the best oral presentation, 2009 (award is given annually for the outstanding research in polar science)
• Marie Curie Doctoral Fellowship, 2007 (award given for excellence in science)
Senior Scientist
National Institute of Biology (2021- present)
Oregon State University (present)
Senior Scientist
Southern California Coastal Water Research (June 2017 – present)
Senior Scientist
Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2016 –2017)
Research Scientist
University of Washington, School of Marine and Environmental Affair, USA (Dec 2014 – Aug 2016).
1. Topic Editor for “Ocean Artificial Upwelling – Ecological Responses and Biogeochemical Impacts” for the journal Frontiers in Marine Science (2021-22).
2. Lead large-scale biological observations along the US West Coast related to ocean acidification and hypoxia and coordinate with multi-institutional international stakeholders.
3. Scientific advisory panel member on Sea Grant proposal process (August 2021).
4. Lead and coordinate the integration of chemical and biological ship-based observations and biological vulnerability assessment for the North American GOA-ON Hub (2020-21).
5. Scientific Advisor for the North Atlantic Ocean acidification Hub (2021) for biological observations.
6. Scientific Advisor for the IUCH for oxygen deoxygenation (2021).
7. Topic Editor for Acidification and Hypoxia in Marginal Seas for the journal Frontiers in Marine Science (2020-21)
8. Lead the session on the synthesis session on ocean acidification along the US West coast (CalCOFI conference, 2020)
9. Lead session organizer at Ocean Sciences Meeting on the topic: ‘Chemical and Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification in the Pacific Ocean’; February 2020, USA.
10. Co-organised the events at the Cryosphere Pavilion at UNFFFC meeting at COP25, Madrid, 2019.
11. Science Advisory Panelist for California SeaGrant (2020)
12. ‘Science Synthesis and Expert Consensus for Thresholds Derivation for Pelagic Calcifiers and Echinoderms’- led and organized two workshops with 10-15 international scientists and stakeholders by using large data synthesis combined with the expert consensus process to derive thresholds for sensitive biological groups. One workshop was held in 2017, the other in 2018.
13. ‘Moving towards integrated biological measurements for ocean acidification assessment’, co-led GOA-ON session on biological effects of ocean acidification on coastal ecosystems, (2019), China.
14. ‘Ocean acidification in a multiple-climate-change-stressors context: science¬-based tools for management’, (2019), co-convened scientific sessions at CERF conference, USA.
15. ‘Coastal upwelling ecosystems as models for interdisciplinary studies of climate and global change’, co-convened IMBER-IMBIZO IV workshop (2016), Italy.
16. Expert advisor and reviewer for the climate change related proposals for California SeaGrant (2019), USA.
Numerous information sessions on OA for legislators and policy makers in Washington; continuous engagement with US Environmental Protection Agency; Fish and Wildlife; Marine Resource Advisory Committee (WA); Pacific Coast Collaborative.
‘Connection science of ocean acidification and art through pteropods’ –side event at the Conference Our Common Future Under Climate Change (Paris, 2015), CNN, National Geographic…