Hana Veler, D.Phil.

Hana Veler, D.Phil.


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Hana Veler, D.Phil.

Hana Veler, D.Phil.

Hana je leta 2017 diplomirala na Visoki šoli za biološke znanosti Univerze v Nottinghamu z BSc (Hons) diplomo iz mikrobiologije. Istega leta je začela delati doktorat na Univerzi v Oxfordu, kjer je raziskovala interakcijo med polimerazo virusa influence A in celično GTPazo Rab11a. Jeseni 2021 se je Hana pridružila skupini Erica Freeda na Nacionalnem inštitutu za raka v ZDA kot podoktorska raziskovalka, kjer trenutno preučuje virusa HIV-1 in SARS-CoV-2.


The University of Oxford, D.Phil. (Ph.D.) in Biomedical Sciences – Pathology, 2017-2021 (England)
Thesis supervisors: Prof. Ervin Fodor (Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford) and Prof. Jonathan Grimes (Diamond Light Source)
Thesis title: Study of the interaction between the influenza A virus polymerase and GTPase Rab11a
Link: https://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:9dd12482-c999-4d9a-b797-c59d6edeaf20

The University of Nottingham, BSc (Hons) Microbiology, 2014-2017 (England)
Project supervisor: Dr. Kenneth Mellits (School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham)
Undergraduate research project title: A novel polymerase chain reaction as an effective method for porcine endogenous retrovirus (PERV) shows that stress associated with weaning influences PERV gene expression in piglets

Veler et al. 2022. The C-terminal domains of the PB2 subunit of the influenza A virus RNA polymerase directly interact with cellular GTPase Rab11a. Journal of Virology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1128/jvi.01979-21

• IUM2020 Price for Best Talk, December 2020. The price awarded for the best talk of the conference at the 2020 Influenza Update Meeting.
• Nottingham Advantage Award, June 2017. A cross-campus award, supported by employers, awarded for completing additional modules. The award is included on my degree transcript.
• Perkins Fowler Waites Price, June 2017. The price awarded annually to the undergraduate student with the highest mark in a final year research project in Microbiology or Food Microbiology project.
• Royal Society of Biology Top StudentAaward, June 2017. The prize awarded annually to the final year BSc (Honours) student from the School of Biosciences achieving the highest overall percentage mark in a degree that comprises at least 50% Biology in Part I and Part II.
• EPSRC Studentship, December 2016. Awarded a prestigious EPSRC Studentship, which includes a full funding for a graduate admission to the University of Oxford for the DPhil in Systems Approaches to Biomedical Science EPSRC & MRC CDT.
• BBSRC Research Experience Placement (REP) Scheme Stipend, July 2016. Awarded a full competitive BBSRC stipend in 2016 for an 8-week long research experience placement at the University of Cambridge.
• Ad Futura Scholarship, September 2014. Awarded a full competitive academic scholarship from the Slovenian educational fund to study abroad.

Social media:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hana-veler-0b252bb0/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hanaveler

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